Albany Relationship Property Lawyer – Dividing Your Assets

Division of Assets – Albany Relationship Property Lawyer

Going through a separation or divorce is undoubtedly one of the most challenging experiences in life. During such a tumultuous time, having the right relationship property lawyer can make a significant difference in navigating the legal complexities involved. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore how to choose the right Albany relationship property lawyer, the key qualities to look for, and actionable steps to ensure you make an informed decision.


Understanding the Role of an Albany Relationship Property Lawyer

Couple arguingThe division of relationship property is usually a fraught situation. One side, perhaps both sides, want to maximise their financial result from the division of the joint assets. Some may think that they deserve more because they earned more.


Other times one partner may think that they should retain the house. This is especially so if they were the owner prior to the start of the relationship.


The role of an Albany relationship property lawyer is to explain to their client the reality of the division of matrimonial assets.


How Is Relationship Property Divided?

In simple terms, all relationship property is divided equally between the two former partners.


Relationship property is defined as any assets earned or generated during the length of that relationship. All property is assumed to be owned equally so if one partner earned more than the other, that is irrelevant. The income is assumed to be equal.


Similarly, if one partner owned a house prior to the start of the relationship, they are not entitled to the house at the end. Instead, the value at the start is deducted from the end valuation, and the difference is to be split equally.


This does not mean that all assets have to be split but that the total value is divided equally. For example, using the prior-owned house, if that party wants to keep it, then they either give cash to the other side for their share of the value growth, or they offer an alternative asset such as shares or investments. The end result is that both sides end up with an equal value of financial assets.


These concepts are often difficult for either or both parties to accept, but that is the law, in broad terms, in New Zealand. It ensures that one party is not dominated or railroaded by the other. Both sides have an equal financial start going forward.


What To Look For In A Relationship Property Lawyer

Albany relationship property lawyerThe first thing that you want to find out is their personal style and communication. Effective communication is key. Your lawyer should be able to explain complex legal terms in simple language, keep you informed about the progress of your case, and be responsive to your queries. You will be dealing with highly emotive topics which can be upsetting to you. You will want to work with a lawyer who understands your situation and can be empathetic with you.


Secondly, you will obviously want a lawyer who has experience in this aspect of the law. Look for Google reviews to see if other people recommend them or have a bad experience with them.



It is unlikely that a lawyer will give you a fixed fee because they do not know the extent of work involved at the start. However, they will be able to give you a ball-park figure, and also their fee structure.



Choosing the right Albany relationship property lawyer is a critical step in your separation or divorce.

A good lawyer will be able to explain to you your rights and obligations. Sometimes these will be difficult for you to accept so you will want a lawyer with empathy too.


If you are going through a divorce or separation, get legal advice as soon as possible to protect your interests.


McVeagh Fleming is a law firm in the centre of Albany and they have a team of lawyers who will be able to help you.

Auckland Estate Planning Lawyer – Secure Your Legacy

Auckland Estate Planning Lawyer – A Few Tips

Estate planning encompasses arranging the management and distribution of a person’s possessions when they pass away. This necessitates constructing a will, determining beneficiaries, founding trusts, and coming up with other determinations with regards to how the assets will be managed.


The primary objective of hiring an Auckland estate planning lawyer is to have an individual’s assets disposed of in accordance with their wishes, rather than being dependent upon the default rules of the legal system. This process can reduce taxes, avoid probate, and provide for family members in an effective way.


Having a will is a crucial element of estate planning, as it details how an individual would like their assets to be divided. It also appoints someone to be an executor to see everything through. As life progresses, it becomes vital to regularly review and adjust your will accordingly – whether that be due to marriage, divorce, separation, new children, or any other change in your personal situation. An Auckland estate planning lawyer will ensure that these things are taken care of for you.


Appointing beneficiaries for life insurance policies, retirement accounts, and bank accounts is an essential aspect of estate planning. This allows these particular assets to bypass probate and go straight to the designated person. Designating beneficiaries for this purpose is something that has to be done.


Trusts are frequently used by people who are estate planning in order to safeguard resources and ensure benefit to heirs. There are multiple kinds of trusts, each tailored with a unique purpose and offering its own advantages.


Estate planning is an integral part of securing one’s financial future and peace of mind, providing individuals with the ability to make sure their assets are managed and distributed as they desire. To create a comprehensive plan, it is beneficial to consult with an Auckland estate planning lawyer or a Financial Planner.


Estate planning involves much more than creating a will, appointing beneficiaries, and setting up trusts; it is also necessary to set up a durable power of attorney. This document assigns an individual to make any healthcare or financial decisions for them in the event of incapacitation, so they do not need to worry about their future.


Another focus of estate planning is on reducing the tax burden of large estates when transferring them to beneficiaries. This can be done using financial strategies such as trusts, contributions to charity, and gifting, so that more funds can be passed on to the heirs. Minimising taxes is a key part of estate planning to ensure that the beneficiaries receive as much as possible of your estate with the minimum of misunderstanding and upset.


By involving family members in the estate planning process, clearly communicating wishes and intentions, it is possible to avoid possible conflicts and provide a sense of peace. Along with the legal and financial implications, considering the emotional impact on those close ones is an important aspect of estate planning.


Auckland estate planning lawyerEstate planning is an ongoing process and should be revisited often. Changes in circumstances may mean it is necessary to adjust the plan to make sure it reflects the individual’s current wishes and needs. It is essential to recognise estate planning is not a single event, but rather something that needs to be attended to over time.


Estate planning is a fundamental part of maintaining a secure financial future. It involves an array of considerations and steps including deciding how assets, property, and other important items are passed on, determining who will benefit most in the event of death or disability, and creating a will or trust. By tackling these complex matters and taking the appropriate action, you can rest easy knowing that your legacy has been taken care of as you want it to be.


McVeagh Fleming in the Auckland CBD can provide estate planning services. Read more here

Financial Infidelity – Divorce Coach In Auckland – Some Help

A Divorce Coach In Auckland Gives Tips On Financial Infidelity

Financial abuse can occur gradually, particularly when a woman takes time away from work to raise children and her partner slowly assumes control of all finances. Despite having access to funds through credit or debit cards, women may find themselves without financial resources if the relationship ends. A divorce coach in Auckland explains.


Control Of The Finances

Financial control, including the manipulation of income to force a less favorable settlement, is a common tactic used by some individuals in relationships, particularly at the end of the relationship.


It’s important to be aware of your financial assets, such as share portfolios and crypto currency. Additionally, it’s important to clarify whether your vehicles are owned or leased to avoid any confusion in the event of a breakup. This can prevent any disruption to essential activities like transportation for children or shopping.


Understand Your Finances

It’s beneficial to understand your family finances, even if you aren’t considering divorce. Do you have access to bank accounts and passwords? Are you aware of loan commitments and credit card balances? Do you fully understand your mortgages and other loans? Does your partner have superannuation in New Zealand or overseas?


It is important for partners in a relationship discuss their finances openly and honestly. If one partner is avoiding or dismissing the conversation, it could be a sign of underlying issues.


Financial infidelity commonly involves concealing problematic behaviors such as addiction, infidelity, or excessive spending. If you have lost track of your finances, it is important to have an honest conversation and gain a clear understanding of your family’s financial situation. Ensure that you have access to all accounts and establish an emergency fund for unexpected circumstances.


Abuse Through Finances

Financial abuse is a common occurrence in cases of domestic violence, serving as a tool for exerting power and control. It has been observed that even women in high-ranking positions with considerable salaries may be denied access to their own money. In such cases, they are often compelled to hand over their entire salary and bonuses to their partner, without any knowledge of how the money is being used.


Some individuals are faced with the challenge of justifying the purchase of basic items like coffee or clothing for their children, often with limited funds allocated for personal expenses and required accountability for all expenses made.

It’s An Isolation Trick

Financial abuse is a subtle form of mistreatment that can leave a woman feeling isolated. At first, she may agree to deposit all the money into her partner’s account, but she may soon find herself locked out due to password changes and other tactics.


If considering leaving a situation with no access to finances, seeking expert guidance and creating a plan with a support group can help minimize control.


For anyone who is thinking of leaving a situation with limited financial resources may find it helpful to seek professional advice and work with a support group to develop a plan and decrease the level of dependency.

Abuse Comes In Many Forms

Victims of abuse may experience a loss of financial freedom, which can contribute to feelings of entrapment and hopelessness. However, there are resources available to help individuals navigate and escape from unhealthy relationships.

Leaving a relationship can be a daunting and stressful experience for clients. Seeking expert advice early on can help you understand your options and identify sources of support.


Divorce coach in AucklandStaying in a financially abusive situation will likely worsen over time. It’s important to take control of the difficult situation rather than continue living under abusive control.


If you are in a situation like this, you can get some independent advice from a divorce coach in Auckland like Adrianne McLean.

Auckland Criminal Defense Lawyer

How An Auckland Criminal Defense Lawyer Can Help You

Auckland criminal defense lawyerA criminal defense lawyer is a lawyer who defends clients accused of criminal offenses. The clients can either be individuals or companies. An Auckland criminal defense lawyer usually strives to make sure that a case against clients doesn’t hold any water and can be dismissed. He or she makes sure that clients are not proven guilty of the criminal cases they are accused of committing.


Analysis of the alleged charges that have been leveled against a client is one of the core roles in criminal defense. An Auckland criminal defense lawyer provides advice on the best possible avenues to tackle a case. This involves talking to witnesses to collect evidence that can be presented during trial.


A criminal lawyer is also at liberty to hire private investigators that can dive deep into the case in order to build a strong defense. Private investigators are able to conduct in-depth research and identify details that might have been overlooked. They can uncover inconsistencies that may help overturning the verdict of a case.


Informing a client of the laws that apply to a case is a fundamental task that criminal defense lawyers are obliged to carry out. Criminal law is a broad discipline that requires skillful expertise to argue and prove one’s innocence. It is a lawyer’s responsibility to inform a defendant on all rules that apply to a case. With vast knowledge of the constitution, advice on whether one’s fundamental rights were violated at any time within a judicial process is determinable.


A plan of action that a criminal defense lawyer employs is very critical after investigations and analysis of evidence pertaining to a case. This is the strategy that will be used by a defense team to push for the dismissal of a case. The defense strategy in this case can also be a plea for a reduction in a sentence.


Provision of options on the sentencing of a client is often applied by criminal defense lawyers. This usually happens after the prosecution team has gathered enough evidence proving indeed that a crime was committed by the accused. In this scenario, alternatives are presented to a court including home arrest and community service by the lawyer.


Criminal defense lawyers have a lot of insights on general practices within the court system. They are familiar on how certain courts function. They are also aware of how different judges behave. They provide expert advice on how a case will likely turn out from the cultures practiced by different judges and court systems.


Auckland criminal defense lawyersWhen a case is ongoing, there may be need for more time for the defense to collect evidence. This is in order for the defense to create a very strong case. An Auckland criminal defense lawyer finds ways in which the case can be delayed in order for the defense to gather evidence relating to a case.

In conclusion, the decision on whether or not to hire a criminal defense lawyer is very crucial in a criminal case. A defendant may thereby decide to hire an Auckland criminal defense lawyer to represent him or her in a case. They provide great legal advice having a lot of knowledge on criminal law matters. They can greatly help ad impact in one’s defense.

Auckland Immigration Lawyers

What Can Auckland Immigration Lawyers Do For You?

New Zealand, like most countries, has a complex set of criteria when it comes to applying for immigration. The rules often change, and an individual’s eligibility can also change rendering a potential application null and void. To make sure you have the best chance of a successful immigration application into New Zealand, it is best to find a good, qualified Auckland immigration lawyers.

What are Some Situations Where Hiring an Auckland Immigration Lawyer is Necessary?

New Zealand has a points system whereby people earn points for work experience, age, skills, and other attributes. There are six basic Visa types, and each has different point requirements. So working with someone who understands the different permutations will be invaluable. It can save you a lot of time, and perhaps point you down a more suitable immigration application path.

Perhaps the most significant immigration issue where an Auckland immigration lawyers can help applicants is around employment. Do you have skills that are in demand? Are you a suitable age? Do you have proof of your qualifications? And are your qualifications recognised by the New Zealand Immigration department? Working through these complex issues is one of the key areas that immigration lawyers can help people.

Common Services Offered By Immigration Lawyers

An immigration lawyer can help people complete the necessary documents, and make sure that the papers are reviewed and submitted in the right time-frame.

Immigration lawyers can also provide advice to people about getting permanent residence, or PR, work or study visas, or family visas.

Below is a list of typical services and advice you can get from an immigration lawyer.

  • Determine if you are eligible for a certain visa
  • Suggest an appropriate visa to apply for
  • Develop your application submission
  • Deal with any problems with your application
  • Help you with the immigration process even up to citizenship
  • Write immigration policies for businesses
  • Help companies gain visas for acceptable overseas recruits
  • Present your case with Immigration New Zealand and other government bodies

Auckland Immigration LawyersOne of the key advantages of working with an immigration lawyer is that they know the forms that need to be filled in. For many people, this can be a daunting prospect but as they have worked on these many times, they know exactly how to complete them. Any errors will at the least delay your application process, and in the worst-case scenario, could mean that you fail in your attempt to gain an immigration visa to New Zealand.  Working with an experienced lawyer will reduce this possibility.

Since the immigration process is complex, and variable, people can often choose the wrong option for their visa application. However, an immigration lawyer will tell you the best option for your circumstances. This can not only save expense, and time, but also a lot of heart-ache if you were to make the wrong choice on your own.

In short, if you have any questions or are unsure how to go about applying for a visa to stay in New Zealand, Auckland immigration lawyers, will be able to answer your questions and put you on the right path.

One of the best Auckland law firms for immigration advice is McVeagh Fleming. You can find more details on their website


Warkworth family lawyer

How To Go About Hiring A Warkworth Family Lawyer For Family Court Cases

What type of case are you trying to take to family court? Each case is unique, and you need to consider that as you ask lawyers about their experiences and case history. You are likely wondering at this point exactly what you need to be looking for in a family lawyer. You want to be sure that you have counted on the right person to help you win your case. Here are some important tips for making sure you hire the best Warkworth family lawyer.

Warkworth family lawyerAs always, you need to think about your own network of people first. What lawyers do you know? Whom do you know and trust that could ask for references? It could be that you come up empty handed in terms of recommendations for a Warkworth family lawyer, but you don’t know until you ask. This is always the first step to take when you are going to hire a lawyer.

If you hire a lawyer based on a referral, you will have already checked out his or her reputation, at least somewhat. That being said, if you find a lawyer on your own by looking at listings, you are certainly going to want to look into the lawyer’s reputation. You are going to run into all different types of lawyers with various backgrounds and case histories.

Some of the family lawyers have been practicing law for years. Some of them also don’t devote their entire practice to family law. You want to keep that in mind. You also want to be sure that he or she is in good communication with staff at the firm. You aren’t just reliant upon the lawyer but also his or her staff. Plus, you want to be sure that the lawyer plans to maintain good communication with you, too.

You want to hire a family lawyer who truly listens to your needs and has a plan to help you with your case. The plan should be evident from the moment you have your initial consultation. Your attorney’s plan will certainly develop further, but you want to make certain that you do know what your lawyer plans to do in order to help you.

When it comes to costs, how much are you willing to spend on a lawyer? Perhaps you have no idea how much a family lawyer is going to cost you. If you don’t, you are going to want to ask a few lawyers what they would charge. You can ask them during free consultations. For now, you want to vet the best two or three lawyers before meeting with anyone.

You definitely also need to know to trust your gut. You will have a good idea whether or not A Lawyer will be a good fit. You want a sympathetic Warkworth family lawyer that really is passionately involved with helping clients with their cases. You will know if you have a hands-on lawyer that plans to guide you concerning your case and work towards the best outcome for your case in family court.

One of the best in the area is McVeagh Fleming. Visit the website or give them a call.

Wellington SEO Company

Why A Wellington SEO Company Is Excellent for Generating Leads

Are you seeing a lot of people visiting your website but nobody seems to convert? This problem isn’t unfamiliar to many business owners. It shows that not all traffic is the same. What you want for your website is highly-targeted traffic. There’s no use to getting a ton of traffic if none of the visitors have any interest in your products or services. You can turn to search engine optimisation to up your lead-generation game and see your conversion rates soar higher than ever. A good Wellington SEO company will make sure you are targeting the right keywords so you get more sales leads.


The Power of SEO


Wellington SEO companyThere are many ways to generate traffic to your website. Most brands now use social media platforms to promote their business, but nothing compares to SEO when it comes to generating leads. What makes SEO such an excellent lead generation tactic? The answer lies in its inbound nature.

Inbound marketing refers to a strategy in which potential customers look for and find a business instead of the other way around. This may sound simplistic, but it’s a technique any struggling business should leverage. When done correctly, SEO improves the organic rankings of web pages, exposing them to a wider range of potential customers. A good Wellington SEO company will help you work this out or even implement it for you.


How Customers Find Businesses Online


Did you know that 9 out of 10 people perform an online search before buying a product? Nearly all online transactions begin with a search engine. This alone should convince you to start optimizing your website to give it a better chance of appearing for keywords relevant to your products or services.


When people use a search engine, they know exactly what they want to look for. After all, they’re the ones typing the keyword. Search engines have come a long way in terms of delivering relevant results. Google, in particular, has a dominating share of the search market thanks to their complex algorithm that matches keywords that people type with the web pages that would most likely meet the user queries.


Imagine running a seafood restaurant and appearing on top of the first page for the keyword “seafood restaurant in Wellington.” It’s not difficult to see how this can drive targeted leads to your business. This isn’t something you’d be able to achieve with other online marketing techniques such as social media and email marketing.


Invest Today With a Wellington SEO Company


If SEO still isn’t part of your marketing strategy, you’re missing out on a ton of sales. It’s time to invest in SEO to give your business a competitive advantage. Remember that building a website is only the first step. You should actively optimise and promote your web pages so potential customers can see them.


It’s important to understand, however, that SEO doesn’t provide overnight results. It requires patience because it can take weeks or even months before you see improvements in your organic rankings. It depends how active your competitors are. But as long as you stick to proven strategies that do not try to trick Google’s quality guidelines, you should rest easy knowing that it’s only a matter of time before your web pages rank for relevant keywords, bringing in laser-targeted leads likely to convert your visitors.


For help in making your site more targeted to visitors, look for a Wellington SEO company like GIG Internet Marketing.

North Shore Emergency Plumber

Tips And Advice For Finding A North Shore Emergency Plumber

Most people search for an emergency plumber only when disaster strikes. With the carpets floating and the furniture soaked, they desperately seek for immediate help. Under these circumstances, there’s no wonder most of them tend to hire the first plumber they come across, as they can’t wait for too long. This article shares a few tips to help you find a North Shore emergency plumber in a matter of minutes.


The internet is the best place to start your research from. You will want your North Shore emergency plumber to be located in your neighbourhood, so you should attempt a local search. The good news is that major search engines are aware of your geographic location anyway, so they are going to insert some local result anyway, even in case you omit to add your city, town or area of residence. You will notice some listings that have a special format. They are bigger, and they include more information than the other results on the page. These listings are the business pages of various emergency plumbers in your area. You should start by clicking on these special business listings, because they can save you a lot of time. Businesses that maintain such pages on Google, Yahoo or Bing are usually concerned with the quality of their services. In addition, they strive to enhance their online visibility, in order to enable their potential clients to find them. Even better, these pages host client ratings and reviews, photos of the business, client portfolios, as well as contact details and special information. Smart plumbers would surely mention whether they offer emergency services, as they know how desperate people can be whenever a pipe bursts or a toilet overflows. If you don’t notice the “emergency plumbing” text at first sight, you may overlook that business and move on to the next one.


North Shore Emergency PlumberEven though you may be under the pressure of time, you still need to perform a background check, in order to see whether the plumber you intend to hire is licensed and certified to do this type of work. Furthermore, you should check their insurance coverage. As you can’t know how the repair is going to work, you need reassurance that you’ll get proper compensation, should any major damage occur as consequence of the repairs. Checking all of these details shouldn’t take you more than a few minutes, but it might save you from a lot of hassle later on.


The truth is that you should actually prepare yourself for plumbing emergencies long before they occur. Whenever you move house, locating a good local emergency plumber should be high on your list of priorities. By seeking for such services without the pressure of hiring someone right away, you’ll have enough time to do a proper research and a close comparison of multiple quotes.


When it comes to plumbing emergencies, the most important thing is to fix the problem as quickly as possible. If you can’t find an excellent plumber to help you, just use the first one you come across, and have their work checked later on by an expert North Shore emergency plumber.


Heron Plumbing

Auckland Carpet Cleaner

A Guide To Choosing The Right Auckland Carpet Cleaner

Choosing the most effective Auckland carpet cleaner is must easier said than done.  While there is various carpet cleaning companies available to hire, each company claims to be the best for your needs.  With each company claiming to be the best, it can be difficult to choose the most suitable option for your carpet cleaning requirements.  This article will provide top tips on how to find your ideal carpet cleaner from the plethora available.


Auckland Carpet CleanerThe first step to finding the ideal Auckland carpet cleaner is to consider the different cleaning method options and know which one is the most suitable choice for your needs.  The dry extraction cleaning method utilizes a compound containing detergents to free stains and dirt which is then vacuumed up.  Dry foam, however, can be used by applying the foam to the dirty carpet and vacuuming it with a wet vacuum.  It is recommended that you opt for a vacuum cleaner using stronger chemicals and suction power to remove the dirt.  Based on this, it is advised that you choose the vacuum cleaner accordingly.

Video Auckland carpet cleaner

When you are aware of your carpet cleaning options, speak to family and friends for recommendations.  You can also receive recommendations using several resources on the internet offering reviews for national and local carpet cleaners.  Estimates can also be obtained using these resources; therefore, you will be able to determine what the professional carpet cleaners charge and what is considered an additional fee.  You can determine what type of chemicals will be utilized, how long the cleaning procedure will take, and whether or not the technicians plan on moving furniture during the process.


It is vital that the chemicals used during the carpet cleaning procedure are safe for you, your pets, and your children.  If you choose to hire a professional carpet cleaning service, you need to let them know what carpet type is being handled.  If this information is not provided, it is possible that the carpet will shrink or the colour of the carpet will change during cleaning leaving you in a lot of trouble.


If you follow the tips discussed above, you shouldn’t have any problem finding the most suitable carpet cleaner.  There are various types of cleaners from which to choose, as well as professional cleaning services.  If you are considering the use of a professional cleaning service, it is important that you consider all other alternatives as well.


One of the popular alternatives to professional carpet cleaning services is spot removal.  Of course, spot removal isn’t the only necessary cleaning service that you will require when cleaning a carpet; there are many other options available.


It is crucial to consider professional cleaning when a person has allergies to bacteria in “carpet dirt”.  If you or a family member has allergies, professional cleaning may be the ideal choice to solve all carpet cleaning issues.


In summary, it will often make the most sense to have a carpet cleaned using professional services.  Contrary to popular belief, it does not cost a lot of money and the right Auckland carpet cleaner will offer peace of mind where you know that your carpet is 100% clean.  If you have considered cleaning your carpet yourself, don’t bother because it would be best to have it cleaned by someone who knows what they are doing.

Go Green Cleaning

Auckland Maritime Lawyers

Auckland Maritime Lawyers – A Legal Advocate For Sailors

A life spent working on and around the sea is often associated with great excitement, adventure and romance. However, it is also true that labour of this sort is fraught with dangers, many of which are the regrettable result of the negligent acts and omissions of others. Sailors who have been harmed while on a boat owe it to themselves to consult one of the Auckland maritime lawyers.


Auckland boatsIt is often the case that the legal safeguards provided to individuals harmed on the water will differ from those offered to those injured while on land. Boat workers and passengers alike may be able to receive compensation in many situations, but it is important for them to understand this realm of the law. One of the experienced Auckland maritime lawyers like Forrester Grant at McVeagh Fleming can help.


Folks who are hurt while they are passengers on a cruise ship, recreational boat, or a personal watercraft have the ability to initiate a personal injury action against a responsible party, just as they might if they had been in a car crash. Successful lawsuits can yield payment for medical bills, lost wages, pain, suffering, and more.


However, passengers on ships and watercraft such as those mentioned above are not the only people who may pursue recourse when injured. Seamen and labourers in and around ships may wish to seek remedies under general principles of maritime law. Those who experience harm while working in, around or on covered vessels may secure “maintenance and cure” compensation, regardless of who is found to have been at fault. Employment law, or other aspects of NZ law may apply, but again a qualified maritime lawyer can help.


Longshoremen, and other port or harbour workers may be allowed to also sue negligent employers when a ship owner, operator, or crew member is thought to have caused severe injury or death.


Auckland Maritime LawyersBoating-related law is a distinct and nuanced practice area, and not all attorneys are properly familiar with its complexities. Therefore, sailors and boating-related laborers who have experienced real harm in which the negligence of others is suspected to be the cause cannot deny that skilled legal assistance is essential to recovery.


Employees, passengers, contractors and others who travel in or work on rigs, watercraft, ocean-going ships and other similar venues should never forfeit their right to seek fair compensation. A seasoned Auckland maritime lawyers is precisely the ally such individuals need.